Monday, February 25, 2008

Chris Cantell annouces The historical tree

Everyone read or at least heard about the Diary of Anne Frank, a book that holds the memory of a Jewish teenager from the World War II. In the book it is often mentioned a chestnut tree that used to comfort her while she was hiding from the Nazis. The 150-year-old chestnut is due to be cut down on November 21, because it is too diseased to be saved, according to the statement of the city officials on Tuesday. During the 25 months Anne was forced to stay indoors, in a canal-side warehouse, and the only things she could see and make her happy were the chestnut tree, the blue sky, the seagulls and other birds that glided on the wind. She stayed in obscurity for 25 months before the Nazis eventually caught her in August 1944. The tree, however, suffers from fungus and moths that have caused more than half its trunk to rot and endangers the "secret annex" atop the canal-side warehouse and represents a threat to people's safety. It has indeed a historical significance and emotional connotations, but in this context has to be cut down for which the city council released a license in March. It is integrated in the Anne Frank Museum, where the tiny apartment has been preserved and the Netherlands' Tree Institute is trying to save it. They received a postpone in October in order to investigate ways to heal it, but the city of Amsterdam can no longer wait because only 28 percent of the root is healthy and they cannot risk the 27-ton tree to fall over. They will replace it in the museum with a sapling from the original and it will forever be remembered by those that read the diary and those that visit the museum. It's a pity to be cut, but it would be worst for others.

Written by Claudia Sonea Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Chris Cantell annouces Great Google Wedding

Is Larry Page following in the footsteps of Sergey Brin, Google's other founder. He will get married. Is it possible? If you really don't know who is Larry Page, I try to give you some information about him. He is one of the world's wealthiest men. Page is now 34 and he found a Google as a doctoral student at a Stanford University of computer science. Today he is Silicon Valley's richest bachelor with a fortune worth about $20 billion. And who is the lucky girl? Lucy Southworth is a biomedical informatics doctoral student at Stanford. She has been dating Larry for well over an year. "Lucy is The Lady that won Page's heart. "said New York Post. She has degrees from University of Pennsylvania and Oxford, she done medical work in Africa and wants make the world better. Nice idea, but what will she do to make her dreams true? The wedding of Google bachelor and his "ladyfriend" Lucy will be happening the weekend of December 8 at an undisclosed location. The invitation list to Page's wedding includes such famous names like Al Gore, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newson, and billionaire Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin group. The wedding will probably take place on Necker Island owned by Richard Branson. Al Gore expressed his inability to come, because that time he will be in Oslo in Norway to receive The Nobel Peace Prize, but he hope to make an appearance through video conferencing. Many of current and former Google employees are invited and they will all come, because who wouldn't like to be a part of such great event?

Written by Jana Kokavcova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Chris Cantell annouces Beijing is getting ready for the next Olympic Games

Republic of China is getting to host next summer Olympic Games in august 2008. The preparation and organization is as big as China alone is. The host city Beijing is changing, everything is in process and progress at the same time. China is going to be grandiose and extraordinary. The great torch relay is planning to be the longest and the most impressive ever even though critics can see some other aspiration in gorgeous plan. The track will start 130 days ahead and will end on Mount Everest where the Chinese-Nepal border is situated. One of the necessarily component on this route is communication at all times. That's the reason why China Mobile had built new cell phone station on the mountain. This new facility will provide continuously signal and will enable torch holders to be in contact with the rest of the games team as well with the general public watching incredible final steps. The climate conditions in this area are not very easy as well so the organizers had to develop new ways how to make the signal work and how to ensure stable fire on the Olympic torch. Over 200 days have left to the start of the event on the old continent. Test is already taken and the station is packed away for the winter so they can bring it back in the summer to provide the gleam and glory to the opening ceremony for the 29th summer Olympic Games.

Written by Natalia Holvova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Chris Cantell annouces Yellowstone"s bacteria

The world's first national park, Yellowstone National Park is located in the U.S. state of Wyoming, but extendes into Montana and Idaho too. Therefore the bacteria that usually thrieves during the spring stirs a lot of concerns. Thermus aquaticus produces an enzyme useful in diagnosing hereditary and infectious diseases. Still researchers have studied it closer and paid more attention to the smaller organisms, viruses that keep those bacteria populations. Montana State University and the Idaho National Laboratory is doing a study on this issue and until now the main discovery was that viruses appear to migrate around Yellowstone on steam droplets. Frank Roberto, a microbiologist at the Idaho National Laboratory who sequenced and analyzed the DNA of Yellowstone viruses, stated that the viruses leave the host in order to reproduce and then it is when they enter in a hostile environment. Researchers have concluded that once they leave the host the viruses can survive to travel a very long distance before finding new microbial hosts and transfer genetic information that could affect the lives of the bacteria. In two years they located viruses near Norris Geyser Basin, Mud Volcano and a third between Midway Geyser Basin and Old Faithful. These viruses spread much like influenza does it through sneeze, only they use the steam. The impact it may have on people it is yet unknown, the mentioned study has the goal of finding both causes of the bacteria and effects. It will be published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences as soon as possible. The problem it is urgent and researchers hope to get over with it as fast as they can. Stay connected and find out what it is indeed happen with the viruses and how are they dangerous for people.

Written by Claudia Sonea Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Chris Cantell annouces A bid for Wendy's

Wendy's is a net of restaurants in the United States and abroad too. The first opening of Wendy's was in 1969. Dave Thomas opened the first Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers Restaurant in U.S. and thought that he created something really new. For Dave quality was very important and he put in the logo of the restaurant "Quality is our recipe". In 1978 there were about 1000 Wendy's in Tennessee location. And people loved them. Today Wendy's owns more than 6,600 restaurants in the United States and abroad too. Its bigger rivals are McDonald's and Burger King Holdings Inc. Wendy's is today the third biggest hamburgers restaurant in the United States and abroad too. Who really don't know the logo with the girl with nice plaits of hair and the bubble that says "I deserve a hot, juicy burger."? People are satisfied with these restaurants, but there is another problem. Wendy's need a higher bid. Investor Nelson Peltz submitted an offer to buy Wendy's International Inc. with the net of 6,600 restaurants, but the proposed is below what he said before. And it is something like a shock for Wendy's. The third biggest hamburger net in U.S. has a really good name and lot of customers and it is shame to take such as bid. David Karam, president of Cedar Enterprises Inc., the owner of 134 Wendy's restaurants said, he also wants to make a bid for Wendy's. There are other investors, that want to buy Wendy's too, but no one would like to offer really good price. So destiny of Wendy's is unambiguous.

Written by Jana Kokavcova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Laureus Preis

Diese Preisverleihung ist so wichtig, dass der Oskar nicht der einzige Preis ist, der die Aufmerksamkeit der Menschen anzieht. Die Welt der Sporte feierte ihre Champions, wobei ihnen die ihre Erfolge im Jahre 2007 wiederspiegelnden Preise verliehen wurden. Unter den Siegern war die Nummer Eins in Tennis Justin Henin, die zum ersten Mal die Beste Sportlerin gennant wurde. Sie schnitt besser als Yelena Isinbayeva ab, die Siegerin aus dem vorigen Jahr und die russische Welt- und olympische Siegerin im Stabhochsprung. Dank seines Debuts im Formula-1-Rennen bekam Lewis Hamilton den Durchbruch-des-Jahres-Preis. Paula Radcliff erfreute sich des Preises für den rückgekehrten Athleten des Jahres, die südafrikanische Mannschaft, die das Rugbyweltmeisteschaft gewannen, bekam den Team-des-Jahres-Preis und Sergei Bubka, der ukrainischer Stabhochspringer, bekam den Preis für sein Lebenswerk. Der russische Präsident Vladimir Putin nahm an der Zeremonie im Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg teil. Ein Rekord wurde am Montag vom Tennisnummer Eins Roger Federer verzeichnet, der für das vierte Mal den prestigen Sportler-des-Jahres-Preis bekam. 2007 gewann er drei der vier Grandslamtitel in der dritten nacheinander folgenden Saison. Dadurch überwindete er den Golfspieler Tiger Woods, Formel-1-Champion Kimi Raikkonen und den FIFA-Weltspieler des Jahres Kaka im Wettlauf um die Laureuspreise. Er sagte, er sei sehr beehrt und dankbar den Wählern, den ersten Preis empfindete er aber als den wertvollsten. Er hoffe auch, den Preis nächstes Jahr wieder zu gewinnen, da es schön zu seinen fünf nacheinander folgenden Wimbledontiteln passen würde. Halten Sie sich am Top und Sie werden wahrscheinlich Ihre Träume in Erfüllung gehen sehen. Bleiben Sie dran, um zu sehen, was als Nächstes passiert.

Written by Barbora Haramiova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Internetove spolocenstva - nas druhy zivot?

Digitalna komunikacia prostrednictvom internetovych spolocenskych komunit je velmi lakava pre novych clenov, ktorych si velmi rychlo si ziakava. Sluzby digitalnej komunikacie su zjednotene do produktu, ktory pomaha odpovedat na potreby skutocnych ludi, ktori hladaju skutocny vztah. Jej pouzivatelia maju moznost komunikovat so svojimi internetovymi priatelmi bez ohladu na to kde sa nachadzaju. Mozu s nimi viest hlasovy rozhovor ci si posielat SMS, a to prosterdnictvom pocitaca ci mobilneho telefonu. Internetove spolocnosti dnes predstavuju inovativny a tvorivy sposob ako ludi, ktori dnes cestuju omnoho viac ako v minulosti, udrzat vo vzajomnom kontakte a komunikacii. Umoznuje nam, uzivatelom, nielen vzajomne zdielat hudbu, fotky, videa ci blogy, ale hlavne delit sa o nase pocity s priatelmi, samozrejme, kedykolvek a kdekolvek sa nachadzame. SigEx Telecom, ako jedna z najrychlejsie sa rozrastajucich internetovych komunit, nam poskytuje hovory, videohovory, konferencne videohovory, webstranky, blogy, videa, videomaily, rovnako ako aj komunikaciu prosterdnictvom SMS, ci z pevnej linky na internet. ,,Nase zameranie na strategiu 'spoznaj alebo vymaz' je aj nadalej uspesnym pohonom pre nasu siet," povedal Chris Cantell, hlavny vykonny funkcionar spolocnosti SigEx Telecom. Podla vyskumu vedenom Online Publishers Association (OPA) a ComScore Networks, Americania minuli vyse 500 milionov dolarov minuly rok na randenie cez internet. Ako s aukazalo,vdaka ulahcovaniu a sprijemnovaniu komunikacie medzi ludmi, internetove spolocenstva naozaj dokazu urobit cloveka stastnym, kedze im toto spolocenstvo pomaha najst to, co hladaju, co zodpoveda ich individualnym specifickym potrebam. Aj napriek nazorom niektorych analytikov, ze internetovy spolocensky priemysel uz postupne dosahuje bod nasytenia, vdaka milionom uzivatelov sa tento priemysel stava coraz silnejsim a jeho popularita zavratne stupa.

Written by Zuzana Moravcikova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.